Systematic Kinesiology

Systematic Kinesiology is the original form of Kinesiology based on extensive tried and tested research. It is best known for identifying food and environmental sensitivities, nutritional deficiencies, and microbes and toxins. It is also used to investigate and work with the root causes of the symptoms being experienced, such as digestive problems, back pain/injury/structural issues, auto-immune and other chronic illnesses, stress/emotional issues, skin problems, continence issues, problems sleeping, and much more.

SK 1 What it is – Systematic Kinesiology – muscle testing – an holistic natural health modality used to identify and address imbalances within the body.

The need to re-balance – the body attempts to maintain a constant internal environment (homoeostasis).  This process can be overwhelmed by physical, chemical, electrical or emotional stressors giving rise to imbalances which manifest in pain or health disorders.

How it works – muscle testing enables access to the body’s bio-energy system and meridians to identify the imbalances that are the underlying causes of the symptoms being experienced.

Systematic Kinesiology appointments – involve muscle testing to identify imbalances, and which of those imbalances are priotities for the body. Then further muscle testing to identify what’s required to address those priority imbalances, eg nutritional support and dietary changes, structural techniques, emotional techniques, neurovascular work.  Each appointment will result in individual recommendations which can include nutritional supplements, dietary advice, suggested lifestyle changes, various exercise routines, Bach Flower remedies, gentle structural realignment, firm reflex massage, emotional stress release techniques, and more.  The number of appointments required will vary according to multiple factors including bio-individuality.

The aim – with the Kinesiology practitioner’s application and recommendations, and the client working to take responsibility for their own health by following those recommendations, the aim is to achieve not just relief from symptoms but optimal health and wellbeing.

Systematic Kinesiology appointments:

  • First and second appointments (approx 1¾ hours) £135 each (package of first two appointments £255)
  • Subsequent appointments (approx 1¼ hours) £90

Therapy room:



Payment and Cancellation Policy

Payment is required by bank transfer a minimum of three working days (Monday to Friday) prior to the appointment.  Any appointment cancelled after this time may be subject to a discretionary cancellation charge of up to 100 percent of the appointment fee.                                                                                                                               Your cooperation is appreciated.  Thank you.